Will Process Mining tool and BI tool be amalgamated?
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.
具体的な動きとしては、Power BIのアドオンとして「PAFnow」というプロセスマイニングツールが提供されています。同様に、Qlikのアドオンとしては「MEHRWERK ProcessMining」が提供されています。
価値を生み出すアクティビティ(プロセス)のパフォーマンス=原因指標である。すなわち、プロセスマイニングツールがカバーするのは主に、KPI(Key Performance Indicator)である。
生み出された価値(売上や利益など)の大きさ=結果指標である。すなわち、BIツールがカバーするのは、KGI(Key Goal Indicator)である。

Will Process Mining tool and BI tool be amalgamated?
The answer is yes. The integration has already begun.
In terms of specific developments, a process mining tool called “PAFnow” is available as an add-on for Power BI. Similarly, “MEHRWERK ProcessMining” is offered as an add-on for Qlik.
On the other hand, process mining tools have also been enriching their “dashboard features” in addition to the standard features of process mining, such as “process discovery” which automatically creates a process model from the event log, but this dashboard feature is now close to the level of functionality provided by BI tools.
By the way, both process mining tools and BI tools are the same in that they take in various data related to corporate and organizational management, calculate numbers from various angles, and present the results visually in tables and graphs.
The decisive difference between a process mining tool and a BI tool is in how the calculation results are interpreted and utilized.
Concretely, we can explain as follows.
Calculation results presented by process mining tools
Process mining tools mainly look to performance of activities (processes) that create value = causals. In other words, process mining tools mainly cover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
For example, in the case of an insurance company’s claims processing process (from insurance claim to payment), process mining tools can analyze the number of cases for each activity in the process, the total time required for processing (throughput), processing cost, and the number of people in charge, and so on. In addition, the process discovery function can automatically draw a flowchart of business procedures to identify problems such as bottlenecks and inefficient repetitive tasks.
In this way, by analyzing activities that create value, i.e., causal data analysis, it is possible to link them to business process improvement measures to further increase value or reduce costs.
Calculation results presented by BI tools
BI tools mainly look at The size of value (sales, profit, etc.) generated = outcomes. In other words, BI tools cover KGI (Key Goal Indicator).
BI tool basically calculates sales, profit, market share, etc. as a result of corporate activities, and enables multifaceted analysis in various dimensions such as by division, area, and product.
BI tools can make judgments about which business units or areas are producing superior (or inferior) results, but they cannot infer the causes of why results are superior (or inferior). This is because it does not analyze causal data in the first place.

As explained above, to summarize the differences between them, BI tools are like a report book at the end of the term, and they are used to make final evaluations and to set new goals for theKGI in the next term. On the other hand, process mining tools are used to analyze performance in detail during the period and consider how to improve it in order to achieve the goals of KGI.
There is one more difference in the way data is analyzed that has recently emerged.
While BI tools only calculate a snapshot figure of historical data for the entire analysis period, process mining tools are now adding the ability to perform real-time monitoring that sequentially analyzes the data of the cases in the processing.
In order to continuously look back on the status of corporate and organizational operations, and to improve what needs to be improved, ensuring the achievement of goals, it is essential to combine KGI evaluation using BI tools and KPI evaluation using process mining tools.
Currently, more and more companies are using a combination of both tools, but as mentioned at the beginning of this article, the boundary between process mining tools and BI tools is blurring, and in the future, they will be provided as a combined tool.