How to cure a process with problems
English follows Japanese. Before proofread.
患 者
問 診
診 断
手 術
治 癒
現状把握 - 診断ステージ
問題プロセス - 患者
プロセスセットアップ - 問診
プロセスマイニング - X-ray(レントゲン)
現状プロセス - X-ray写真(レントゲン写真)
問題・課題発見 - 診断
現場インタビュー・観察 - 身体診査
改善活動 - 治療ステージ
改善方針 - 治療方針
改善施策実行 - 手術・医薬品
ゼロベースでプロセスを組みなおすようなBPR(Business Process Re-engineering)は、外科手術にたとえることができるでしょう。マニュアルの業務をRPAのソフトウェアロボットに代替するのは、人工心臓に取り換えるようなものと言えるかもしれません。
改善プロセス ー 治癒
How to cure a process with problems
In this article, I’ll explain the flow of using process mining to improve business processes, contrasting it with the procedure of treatment in a hospital.
Process mining aims to discover various issues and problems hidden in the process by visualizing invisible business processes from the event log data.
In terms of this “visualization of the process”, process mining is often likened to an X-ray. However, just as in the treatment of diseases, the ultimate goal is not the discovery of the lesion (Inefficiencies and bottlenecks) but the implementation of appropriate treatment (improvement measures) and the return to a healthy state, in other words, the realization of an improved “ideal process(to be proess)”.
Let’s start by outlining the flow of medical activities in a hospital. Broadly speaking, there are two stages: the “diagnostic stage” and the “treatment stage”.
●Medical activities
Diagnostic stage
The starting point for treatment is when a patient comes in with some kind of symptom such as fever or cough.
Preliminary interview
First, we will ask questions about the extent of your current symptoms and conduct an interview.
Using an X-ray machine, the area where the lesion is thought to exist will be photographed.
x-ray photograph
The presence of the lesion is confirmed by looking at the X-ray photograph.
From the results of the X-ray photos, you can determine what diseases the patient have.
Physical examination
In addition, various physical exam and tests will be performed to verify the correctness of the above diagnosis.
●Treatment Stage
Treatment policy
The course of treatment is based on the results of the diagnosis and the patient’s wishes. For example, it’s about whether to carry out surgery or how to treat medication.
If it is better to remove the lesion, surgery will be performed.
The treatment is performed by administering medications alone or in conjunction with surgery.
The etiology has been eliminated and the symptoms are gone. Treatment is complete.
Next, we’ll outline the steps to improve business processes along the path of diagnosis and treatment at the above hospital.
●Business Process Improvement
Understanding the current situation – Diagnostic stage
Process with problems – Patient
Select processes that are experiencing problems as phenomena, such as long throughput, high operating costs, customer complaints, etc., as targets for improvement.
Process Setup – Preliminary interview
Basic information related to the process to be improved, such as an overview of the process, the number of processes, and the department or person in charge, will be organized through interviews. If there are any specifications or manuals for the system involved in the process, check them as well.
Process Mining – X-ray
Based on the event log data of the process to be improved, we analyze it using a process mining tool and create a flowchart of the current process.
As is process – X-ray photograph
We analyze the current process from various perspectives, such as frequency and time required.
Problem identification – Diagnosis
Based on the results of the above analysis, we identify the areas that are causing problems or issues as a phenomenon, i.e. inefficient procedures that are taking too long, or bottlenecks that are piling up pending cases.
On-site interview and observation – physical examination
To identify the problem areas, we conduct interviews with the person in charge at the site and conduct observational surveys to identify the root cause.
The root causes of process inefficiencies and bottlenecks are: too many meaningless steps, too many mistakes, too many reworkings, and too few people assigned to deals that need to be done.
Improvement Activities – Treatment Stage
Improvement Policy – Treatment Policy
Once we have identified the various problems and issues related to the process and the root causes of these problems and issues, we plan improvement measures.
As a major improvement policy, it is important to first clarify the objectives, such as reducing throughput, reducing costs, and improving customer satisfaction.
Implementation of improvement measures – Surgery and Medication
There are a variety of options for improvement measures, ranging from major to minor modifications.
BPR (Business Process Re-engineering), which is a zero-based re-engineering of the process, can be compared to surgery. Replacing manual tasks with RPA software robots might be like replacing an artificial heart.
If a small change in procedure could improve the time required, it would be a disease that could be treated with simple medication.
Improved Process (To be process) – Recovery
Once the desired process has been achieved as a result of effective improvement measures, the project is complete.
Just as regular check-ups are necessary in the treatment of a disease, it is important to continuously monitor the target process to ensure that problems do not recur or new problems arise.